
All-Rounder Smoothie Booster

530g Zip Lock Pouch

Organic Ingredients

Made in Australia from 43% Australian ingredients

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*NEW and improved recipe.

The range of Supercharged Smoothie (Booster) Blends makes feeling fantastic super easy – each and every morning. These blends were developed with a clear intention – to deliver your body with a level of nutrition like no other breakfast, in only 2 minutes each morning.

Just add this premix to your base (liquid + fruit + veg), and not only will you enjoy a mega-dose of targeted nutrition, but a diversity of real, whole foods that will nurture your gut and support both your physical and mental health! Yes, food can help your mood, your mental clarity and recall, your energy, stress levels, hormones… the list goes on.

The power of food is incredible, and you can choose how you feel! Developed in conjunction with Food Matters Nutritionist Renae Regden, and Paediatric Naturopath Jess Donovan.

Choc-Mousse All-Rounder Blend Delivering strong on the big 4: antioxidants, fibre, vitamins & minerals, this Choc All-Rounder blend supports your overall health. This blend has particularly high concentrations of:

Fibre helps to build a robust microbiome that can support us to thrive in both body and mind. It plays a major role in digestive health as it is the fuel the colon cells use to keep them healthy. Fibre also fine-tunes the immune system and may help prevent chronic inflammation.

Protein is known for supporting growth and repair, bolstering immunity, helping our brains to fire, and keeping our tummies feeling fuller for longer. It is an absolute must for a robust immune system. It is vital to build and repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections.

Zinc is a superstar mineral that we need for growth & repair, for immunity, and for the health of our brain & gut.

Iron is one of the most vital minerals and is what carries oxygen and nutrients around the body, including to our brain. Severe iron deficiency in kids may cause lower IQ and developmental delays. In adults, iron helps fend off brain fog and fatigue.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process of your cells. It also supports the immune system, cell function and skin health, as well as helps lower cholesterol.

Vitamin A is a micronutrient that is crucial for maintaining vision, and promoting growth and development. It is known as an anti-inflammatory vitamin because of its critical role in enhancing immune function.

Vitamin B6 encourages our bodies to make glutathione (my fave antioxidant for the role it plays in reducing oxidative stress, which we know is largely responsible for much of the health issues we have collectively in society). B6 also ups our antibodies to fight infections.

Selenium supports your body by making glutathione, which is an antioxidant that powers up your immune systems' front-line bug-killers, a type of white blood cell called T-cells.

Complex carbs are needed for slow, sustained energy – no peaks and troughs in energy levels.

Healthy fats are vital for the gut, brain and energy.

Potassium is essential for brain and heart health.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Martine Serong

My fussy eater just loves this smoothie! Thank you 🙏

Adele Setu

I used to put many of these ingredients in our smoothies but now I can just scoop this in and save time. These smoothies in the morning set the tone in our home for healthy eating and help me relax knowing the kids have had a good breakfast.

Katherine Crotty
So Delicious

My kids and I love this booster blend . Such peace of mind knowing that it’s full of goodness too.
Thank you Stackd !

Megan McMahon
A great addition

Add to both daughters smoothies when they have one. Both know that there is extra goodies blended in and love the taste

Great Tasting Smoothie Boost for added fibre

Love love love this smoothie booster, it tastes great and has so many great ingredients which are not only yummy but so beneficial to our bodies.

I highly recommend the Supercharged Smoothie challenge as well so you can make a balanced yet yummy smoothie.

Seek and you shall (hopefully) find!